
Showing posts from July, 2017

How To Promote Unity Among Muslims?

Checklist To Promote Unity Among Muslims Islam disowns any form of sects among Muslims. Today, the differences we have among Muslims is due to the differences led by the extremists. This is inevitable. And who are not familiar with the current scenario of Muslims around the world. This can be attributed to the disunity we lead. The situation demands us to accept the differences and to highlight the commons we have. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave us many reasons to unite  for a single difference. Some of which are present below. Pic: How to unite Muslims? ? Points to follow for promoting unity among Muslims: Understand Tawheed, Risalat & Aakhirat. Underst and Maqasid e Shariah ( the purpose of Shariah). Avoid bida't ( innovation in deen ), Ghuloo ( exaggeration ), Kibr. Hold all social ties strongly as commanded by Allah (Huqooq'ul'Ibad ). Be ready to pray behind any Muslim. Different iate between criticising & advising.  Act according to the preferences in the Deen.

10 Interesting Facts About The Quran

10 interesting facts related to the holy Quran.

Quran On Origin Of Living Thing

 Quran On Origin Of Living Thing From Water: Every living thing is made from water. The above fact about the origin of life from water is discovered recently. Credit goes to the advancement made in the discipline of science. But the Holy Quran  before this declared the aforesaid concept. Quran On Origin Of Living Thing From Water  See what the Quran  says: ?  Consider the following Quranic verse:   Do not the Unbelievers see that  the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one Unit of Creation) before We clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing.  Will they not then believe?� [Al-Quran 21:30] ?  Scientific Approach: Only after advances have been made in science, do we now know that  cytoplasm, the basic substance of the cell is made up of 80% water. Modern  research has also revealed that most organisms consist of 50% to 90% water  and that every living entity requires water for its existence. Must Read:  Prophet Mohammad's Message For The Whole Humanity ? 

Allah Is The New God Worshipped By Muslims : Misconception about Islam

Is Allah The New God For Muslims? Most people think that Allah is the new God framed by Muslims. However, this concept is totally untrue and can be debunked by the actual meaning of the word "Allah".  (Myths: Muslims worship a new God called Allah) ? Highlights: How Muslims Worship Allah, The Creator Of Everything. Misconceptions Regarding Allah (Mostly By Non-Muslims) Allah Is Not The New God Worshipped By Muslims But The Same God Worshipped By Earlier Prophets. All Muslims whether Arabs or Indians worship and bow down to none other than the Allah, The Only God. Muslims revere God (Allah) as the only supreme power without associating any partner with Him (Allah). Allah, The Almighty do not share divineness with anything as believed by other People (Non-Muslims). Muslims do not worship anything without Allah as done by Fire Worshippers, and people of other faiths. Most people think that Allah is the new God framed by Muslims. However, this concept is totally untrue and can be

Islam Promotes Peace, Justice & Equality

Islam Preaches The Message Of Peace, Justice, and Equality: Those who can't digest the eloquence and beauty of Islam, spreading misconceptions about it. The Common allegations against Islam are that:  Islam doesn't allow freedom of Religion.  Islam and the Qur'an promote slavery.  Islam promotes Racism. The above allegations against Islam are baseless can be dismissed by the actual commandments of God scripted in the Quran.  Peace, Justice, and Equality are the core values of Islam. (Islam Promotes Peace, Justice & Equality) ?  Islam Promotes Peace: Islam allows freedom of Religion, can be backed by the following verse of Quran: Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things.� [Quran, Surah al-Baqarah: 256] (Islam Teaches Peace) ?   Islam Promotes Justice: Islam doesn't promote slavery. T

Quran On Shape Of The Earth

What Is The Shape Of Earth According To Quran? Before going to what Quran says about the shape of the earth,  let me remind you that The Holy Quran  is not a book of Science, but a book of signs. (ayats). The Quran was revealed to mankind with a complete code for humanity. Among those Commandments Of God , the Quran presents many Scientific as well as historical facts (in the form of signs)  before us,  for to be believed in the Quran . To attribute the presence of scientific facts in the Quran to coincidence  would be against common sense and a true scientific approach.  Pic: Quran On Shape Of Earth. Also Read: Islam disowns Terrorism: Jihad is the antonym of Terrorism. Misconception: Many have misconceptions that the Quran Says the shape of the Earth is Flat,  however, this is totally untrue can be refuted by the actual sayings of Quran. The Quran Says, The Earth is Spherical Advertisement : History Recap: In early times, people believed that the earth is flat. For centuries, men wer