How To Promote Unity Among Muslims?

Checklist To Promote Unity Among Muslims

Islam disowns any form of sects among Muslims. Today, the differences we have among Muslims is due to the differences led by the extremists. This is inevitable. And who are not familiar with the current scenario of Muslims around the world. This can be attributed to the disunity we lead. The situation demands us to accept the differences and to highlight the commons we have. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave us many reasons to unite for a single difference. Some of which are present below.
Promote unity among Muslims, EduIslam
Pic: How to unite Muslims?

? Points to follow for promoting unity among Muslims:
  • Understand Tawheed, Risalat & Aakhirat.
  • Understand Maqasid e Shariah ( the purpose of Shariah).
  • Avoid bida't ( innovation in deen ), Ghuloo ( exaggeration ), Kibr.
  • Hold all social ties strongly as commanded by Allah (Huqooq'ul'Ibad).
  • Be ready to pray behind any Muslim.
  • Differentiate between criticising & advising. 
  • Act according to the preferences in the Deen.
  • Observer Salaam, keep Smiling, have Sabr and be Forgiving. 
  • Propagate & establish Islam; Masalik or Organisations are mere platforms.
  •  Avoid hatred, suspicion (Tajassus) & spreading rumours. 
  • Avoid labeling Muslims (Muqallid, Gustakh, Wahabi, Jamati,..).
  • Guard your tongue(from mocking, slandering, accusing, backbitting, lying...).
  • Practice Al Walawal Bara ( Love and Hate for the sake of Allah).
  • Bear in mind that no one is Masoom (free from error) except Ambiya (a.s).
  • Neither defend wrong things of great Muslim personalities nor ridicule them rather find the best excuse for them.
  • Avoid hyphenated identities & believe that MUSLIM is our only predominant identity & UMMAH is our nation. 
  • Realise real Taqwa & real enemy Shun all the calls of Jahilliyah & Asbiyah (Nationalism, Feminism, Liberalism...).
  • Realise the detailed meanings of Ibadah & DeenPromote intermaslak & interjamaat marriages.
  • Realise the mission of Ummat-e-Muhammadiya (saw) i.e. Iqamat-e-Deen.
  • Bring yourself closer to Quran, Sunnah & Ahl e Bait.
  • Observer Dua.
The Quran says about the unity of Ummah in Surah Ali-Imran:
And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided." (Quran: 3, 103)

Check it: Caste System and Divisions Of Muslims Into Sects Are Not Allowed In Islam.
And hold firmly to the rope of Allah, EduIslam
Pic: Unity Among Muslims.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasise the unity of Muslims Ummah in His Last sermon and noted down many points to promote it.
How To Promote Unity Among Muslims?
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May Allah guide us to go through the right path!

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To Promote unity among Muslims, Muslims unity
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