Allah Is The New God Worshipped By Muslims : Misconception about Islam

Is Allah The New God For Muslims?
Most people think that Allah is the new God framed by Muslims. However, this concept is totally untrue and can be debunked by the actual meaning of the word "Allah". 
Muslims, Worship, Allah, New God, God, Allah Is Not New, Allah, The Craetor, Muslim , Allah, God allah
(Myths: Muslims worship a new God called Allah)
? Highlights:
  • How Muslims Worship Allah, The Creator Of Everything.
  • Misconceptions Regarding Allah (Mostly By Non-Muslims)
  • Allah Is Not The New God Worshipped By Muslims But The Same God Worshipped By Earlier Prophets.
All Muslims whether Arabs or Indians worship and bow down to none other than the Allah, The Only God. Muslims revere God (Allah) as the only supreme power without associating any partner with Him (Allah). Allah, The Almighty do not share divineness with anything as believed by other People (Non-Muslims). Muslims do not worship anything without Allah as done by Fire Worshippers, and people of other faiths.
Most people think that Allah is the new God framed by Muslims. However, this concept is totally untrue and can be debunked by the actual meaning of the word "Allah". The word "Allah" roots to the Arabic language which literally means "Almighty God" representing the one true God. The God who created everything, you, me and all those we know. Allah is the same God Worshipped By Prophet Adam, Noah, Ibrahim, Moses, and Jesus. However, although Muslims, Jews and Christians believe in the same God, the Creator of all the creation, their concept regarding God (Allah) differ significantly. Only Islam presents the unique and logical concept of God. Like Islam disowns the idea of God having any partner. 
I see many non-Muslims hurling abusive words against God (Allah) without understanding its meaning. Yes, you are abusing the same God who created you and whom you follow indirectly. Don't follow your hatred against Islam so aggressively that may go to the extent of questioning your existence. If you hate Islam, attack Islam logically. Allah too says in The Holy Quran to verify anything before you jumped to the conclusion about it. It's the part of Islam.


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