
Showing posts from June, 2017

Last Sermon Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)- Farewell Sermon

Below is the Last Sermon of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) ever delivered in the history of mankind!  The last sermon is also called as the farewell sermon and Khutbatul Wida (in Urdu). The message in it is beautiful, presents every code of life. Covering every perspective of life from oneness in humanity to submitting to the One True God , the message of the sermon can be summed up into parts: Moral Codes Message On Unity Prayer Warning! (Note: Above colors are used to highlight the respective message below in the sermon. The color code does not apply to the words highlighted in red color out of the sermon. Red color marks the link containing words) ? Don't miss some of the important Sayings Of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) below after the sermon. (Pic: The Last Sermon (Khutba) Of Prophet Muhammad) Prophet Mohammad Started the sermon after praising & thanking God (Allah):   O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Ther

Islam and Terrorism Have No Relation

Most People Think That Islam Permits Terrorism As Jihad. Also, Jihad and terrorism are being presented as synonyms before the world and verses from the Quran about Jihad are blown out of proportion to link Islam with terrorism. Do really Islam permit terror in the name of Jihad? ? Contents: What is Jihad? Real Reason of  Terrorism. Source Of Terrorism- Birth Of Terror. Deleted Or Neglected History About Terrorism. What Islam Says About Terrorism? Muslims Claimed to be Terrorists. What Islamic History Witnessed? Solution. ?  What is Jihad? Jihad and terrorism is being presented as synonyms, however Jihad and terrorism are not synonym but antonyms. In short, Islam gives the order of Jihad only to curb terrorist activities. ?  Real Reason & Source Of Terrorism: Division of humanity on wrong basis is the real reason of terrorism. And whole human history is witness to the fact that human blood shedding occurred mostly due to these types of division. Brahamanists and Judaists have divide

Other Names Of The Quran

Other Names Of Quran: Quran calls itself by various other names. (Other Names Of The Quran : Quran Calls Itself By Various Names) ?   List Of Other Names Of The Holy Quran along with their meanings are: Kalam-Allah:         ----  The Word Of Allah Al-Furqan:             ---- The Distinguisher between the True & False Tanzil:                     ---- Sent Down Al-Kitab:                ---- The Book Al-Quran Al-Majid: - The Glorious Quran Al-Quran Al-Hakim:- The Quran-Full Of wisdom The most popular name of the Holy Book is the Quran.

What Does Islam Mean? Who Was The Founder Of Islam?

What does Islam means? Who is the founder of Islam? Who Are Muslims? Is Islam, the new religion emerged about 1500 years ago? Who was the first muslim? These are some of the basic questions regarding Islam that are answered here.  ? Key Points: Basic Misconceptions about Islam. Meaning Of Islam. Who are Muslims? Founder Of Islam. Information about Islam. (What Is Islam? Who Is The Founder Of Islam? Who Are Muslims?) ? Basic Misconceptions: Most of the people even Muslims too think that Islam is the religion founded by Prophet Mohammad SAW about 1500 years ago. What about the first human 'Adam'? Was he a Muslim? If yes, how can you tell it to any of your non-muslim friend? I bet you can't make him/her satisfied with any reference until you know the real definition of Islam.  Islam is the religion of peace. Islam is the best religion. I am sure you have gone through these sentence many times but the question is,"Do these sentences define what Islam is?"  ? Meaning O