Islam and Terrorism Have No Relation

Most People Think That Islam Permits Terrorism As Jihad.

Also, Jihad and terrorism are being presented as synonyms before the world and verses from the Quran about Jihad are blown out of proportion to link Islam with terrorism. Do really Islam permit terror in the name of Jihad?
? Contents:
Islam and Terrorism Have No Relation
  • What is Jihad?
  • Real Reason of  Terrorism.
  • Source Of Terrorism- Birth Of Terror.
  • Deleted Or Neglected History About Terrorism.
  • What Islam Says About Terrorism?
  • Muslims Claimed to be Terrorists.
  • What Islamic History Witnessed?
  • Solution.

    What is Jihad?

    Jihad and terrorism is being presented as synonyms, however Jihad and terrorism are not synonym but antonyms. In short, Islam gives the order of Jihad only to curb terrorist activities.

    Real Reason & Source Of Terrorism:

    Division of humanity on wrong basis is the real reason of terrorism. And whole human history is witness to the fact that human blood shedding occurred mostly due to these types of division.
    Brahamanists and Judaists have divided humans on the basis of birth; and both of them think that they are not only superior than whole mankind rather whole mankind is unholy,depraved and their slaves.
    Brahmans holy book Ramayana says that, "As the dram is beaten, so is necessary to beat lout, Dalit, animal and woman,"Brahmans book of legislation Manusmariti states that , "Whether Dalit knows the work or not he should be taken as slave,because God has made him for slavery of Brahmans only." (8-413)Jewish book of legislation Talmud mention that,"Even the best of Gentiles should all be killed." (Minor Tractes. Soferim 15,Rule 10)This is the reason why, form thousands of years Dalits and after 1947, Muslims are facing terrorism in India . And only due to this ideology Muslims of Palestine are facing terrorism from 1948.Likewise, mankind has been divided on the basis of colour, i.e. blacks and whites; this division also became the reason of thousands of killings. Killing of blacks and whites in USA and South Africa, during apartheid, are its glaring example. 
    Recorded: See how Indian media are working to present wrong perception of Islam and Muslims by linking innocents with terrorism: See the two different  extract recorded.
    ISLAM and terrorism

    Deleted/Neglected History about Terrorism:

    According to Human Rights Commission's statistics, 14000 people became the prey of this ideology in South Africa only during 1990 to 1994, and Similarly, Communists and capitalists divided human being as rich and poor; which also became the reason of ten of thousands of killings. Killings and torture during bolshevik revolution of USSR and during Russian regime in Afghanistan testitifies this; where people who speak against the regime were also given death sentences. Martin Melia state the during 60-70 years history of Communist regime, 8.5 to 10 crore people became prey of this very ideology; And other than this 56 lakh people were forced to leave Afghanistan during Russian regime.Likewise, drawing of international border to create nation states on the basis of nationalism, also created rift between human beings. This very division made one nation stand against other in the name of Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, American, German and Chinese etc.; thus, soaking whole world in blood.75 lakh people were killed during first world war (1914-1948) whereas the property 10 lakh 86 thousands million dollar was torched during this war. And in second world war (1939-1945) 4 crore people were killed; and world also witnessed that day when in August 1945, two big cities of Japan, viz Hiroshima and Nagasaki, were completely razed to the ground with the atom bomb. These devastation were just on the name of nationalism.Islam detests these type of inhumane division.

    What Islam says about Terrorism?

    Do Islam Permit Terrorism In The Name Of Jihad, Jihad means
    Islam says that all mankind is progeny of single parents. And no-one has edge over the other; best among human is the one whose deeds are best.Islam says that mankind is best among all creation. He created by Almighty Allah, who is the creator and ruler of the whole universe. Every thing in the cosmos, i.e. sun, moon, stars and planets and every creature, follows His order. Therefore, every human being should also follow laws prescribed by Him. Because when He has created us, then who knows better than Him that what is beneficial for us and what is not. Human being is best creature and his creator is Almighty Allah, therefore it us not appropriate for him to worship trees, stones and rivers instead of Almighty Allah.He sent down prophets and messengers, so that they must tell mankind that what type of lifestyle their Lord demands from them. Thousands of prophets came throughout the world with the same message, but when they left, people behind them replaced the original message with things of their desires. At last, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came with the final message, i.e. Qur'an; which will remain safe till the end of this world. Nobody can change this book, this is guidance for mankind till the doomsday. Therefore, benefit of whole mankind lies in working according to this book and mankind it functional reality of their life.These are the the basis teachings of Islam; those who accept it are called Muslims and those who don't are called Kafir ( rejected of faith).Islam does not impose these idea on anyone, rather it explain with the help of logics and facts; and gives man full freedom to accept or reject the same.But when some people oppose Islam and prevent other people from accepting it; then only Islam gives order to wage war against these people, which is called Jihad.Likewise, some people enslave other people, and tend to become their God. They humiliate human being; and oppress them by dividing them on the basis of caste, colour and capital. They force this best creature to bow down in front of men of their kind, trees, rivers, animals and stones etc.; at this instance Islam order to fight these oppressors, until their power breaks down. When their power ends, then Islam announces that "Look! this is Islam , those who want to accept it, accept it willingly, and those who don't want cannot be forced against their wills; Now there is no compulsion."
    Let there be no compulson in religion! (Al-Quran)
    In other words, to fight these kind of people until common mass gets complete freedom (in the affairs of religion), is called Jihad.

    Islamic History:

    You will see, in his whole life, prophet (pbuh) fought near about 80 battles; in which only 259 Muslims died and 759 Kafir died and 6070 Kafir taken captive, of whom none was given death sentence.Islam spread throughout Arabian peninsula with this much loss only.


    We call all Muslims and other thinking beings, to ponder in the light of above facts, that whether we will forcedly accept these inhumane man-made systems, or we will raise voice against these systems of oppression and will try to change these systems, by making just and peace-loving systems made by Allah, the merciful, i.e. Islam, our way of life.

    From Quora:

    Also Read: What Is Islam? Who Is The Founder Of Islam?
    Obtained from the Pamphlets of SAII (Student Association For Islamic Ideology) with topic: " What the terrorism Is?"


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