What Does Islam Mean? Who Was The Founder Of Islam?

What does Islam means? Who is the founder of Islam?

Who Are Muslims? Is Islam, the new religion emerged about 1500 years ago? Who was the first muslim? These are some of the basic questions regarding Islam that are answered here. 
? Key Points:

  • Basic Misconceptions about Islam.
  • Meaning Of Islam.
  • Who are Muslims?
  • Founder Of Islam.
  • Information about Islam.

What Is Islam, Who Is The Founder Of Islam, Who Are Muslims,Meaning of Islam,
(What Is Islam? Who Is The Founder Of Islam? Who Are Muslims?)

? Basic Misconceptions:

Most of the people even Muslims too think that Islam is the religion founded by Prophet Mohammad SAW about 1500 years ago. What about the first human 'Adam'? Was he a Muslim? If yes, how can you tell it to any of your non-muslim friend? I bet you can't make him/her satisfied with any reference until you know the real definition of Islam.
 Islam is the religion of peace. Islam is the best religion. I am sure you have gone through these sentence many times but the question is,"Do these sentences define what Islam is?" 

? Meaning Of Islam:

 Islam roots to two Arabic words -'Salm' which means peace and Silm which means submission ...Now come to the defination-Islam means achieving piece by surrendering oneself to the true will of God.

? Who are Muslims?

Those who follow Islam are Muslims.According to this definition, everything in the universe(Trees, Planets, Satellites, etc.) are Muslims because these are in a state of submission to God's will as these are created for.All the Prophets are Muslims because they did what God created them for. But after the birth of Prophet Mohammad SAW, there is a compulsion in having the faith that Mohammad SAW is the last and the final messenger.Now, If you are asked When Islam is from? The answer is simple - From the beginning of the universe.Its clear every human take birth as Muslims but after that they are converted to what their parents follow.

? Founder Of Islam:

  Ultimately , God is the founder of Islam

? Information about Islam:

Currently, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and the second largest religion after Christianity with about 1.6-1.7 billion adherents (Followers).

Indonesia being the largest Muslim populated country, contributing about 13% of the total Muslim population. India comes after it.

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