Muslim Freedom Fighters Of India And Their Contributions

List of Muslim freedom fighters and their contributions in Indian Independence:

Many Muslim freedom fighters of India who lived, fought and died for the country find no mention in most of the history books of India only because of their religion. Here we are going to make a meaningful salutation to all our unsung Muslim freedom fighters who are biasedly deprived of a place in the Indian history, unlike other heroes. 
Muslim freedom fighters of India
List of Muslim freedom fighters of India and their contributions.
? Highlights:
  • Short summary on how & why the Muslim freedom fighters of India deprived of a place in Indian history?
  • Video: An Independence Day tribute to the Muslim freedom fighters of India.
  • List of Muslim freedom fighters.
  • Contributions of Muslim freedom fighters in Indian Independence.
  • Muslim freedom fighters and their contributions in freedom struggle pdf.
     Those who betrayed our freedom fighters and sided with British invaders during the Indian war for independence are nowadays questioning the legacy of our ancestors and are in fact subjecting us to humiliation in the name of patriotism. To some extent, Muslims are also responsible for this as we have kept aside our own history. From "Inquilab Zindabad" to "Jai Hind", there are many famous slogans which are more famous than the Muslims who coined these. 

    Video: Muslim Freedom Fighters Of India.

    If asked about the names of Muslim freedom fighters who fought for Indian independence, its probably only Maulana Abul Kalam Azad which comes to our mind first. This is an injustice to those thousands of Muslim heroes whose names had been erased from the Indian history let alone the tributes they deserve.

    Maulana Abul Kalam Azad:

    Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
    Maulana Abul Kalam Azad: Freedom Fighter.
    The contributions of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad both before and after Indian independence is something that cannot be erased but space he must get in Indian history, biasedly the historians didn't attribute him. This is the reason, Maulana Azad is probably the only name which comes to our mind when we think about Muslim heroes who fought for Indian independence. He was a great scholar and was the first education minister of India. Maulana Azad was one of the most important leaders of that time, prominently leading the cause of Hindu-Muslim unity encouraging secularism and socialism. He was the main person behind the establishment of IIT and UGC. 

    Maulana Hasrat Mohani:

    Maulana Hasrat Mohani coined the slogan "Inquilab Zindabad".
    The first person to demand complete Independence for India was a Muslim. He was none other than Hasrat Mohani. His slogan "Inquilab Zindabad" (Long live the revolution) is more famous than his own identity. He mobilised youths and encouraged others through his works including Urdu poetry. He championed the freedom struggle and was jailed for many years by British Raj. Hasrat Mohani was the member of constituent assembly who drafted the Indian constitution. 

    Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan:

    Which freedom fighter is known as "Frontier Gandhi"?
    Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan was one of the reasons behind the Indian independence. Known as "Frontier Gandhi", this Muslim freedom fighter was one of the many to opposed the partition of India but failed and was also jailed for this reason. Ghaffar Khan known for his nonviolent opposition, was a close associate of Gandhiji. He founded Khudai Khidmatgar movement due to which he faced a very harsh repercussion of British Raj.  

    Dr Zakir Hussain:

    Dr Zakir Hussain was the first Muslim president of India.
    Zakir Hussain actively encouraged Indian war of independence through his untiring efforts and educationalist movement. He was the co-founder of Jamia Millia which became one of the leading centres and was involved in the Indian freedom struggle. An educationist, Bharat Ratna Dr Zakir Hussain was the first Muslim president of Independent India. He actively advocated the non-violent movement that drove out the British rule.  

    Mohammad Sharfuddin Quadri:

    Sharfuddin Quadri, The Muslim Freedom fighter awarded with Padma Bhushan.
    A Unani physician, Sharfuddin Quadri is also among the unsung and forgotten Muslim freedom fighters of India who joined Mahatma Gandhi in the Salt March. He was imprisoned with Gandhiji in the Cuttack jail. After Indian independence, he chose to stay away from the politics but continued his contributions for the country. He was awarded the Padma Bhushan award. He died on the 30th of December in 2015 at the age of 114. 

    Asaf Ali:

    Asaf Ali, A notable lawyer & freedom fighter.
    A notable lawyer, Asaf Ali was an Indian freedom fighter who fought the legal battles for many heroes who were jailed during the independence movement. He actively participated in the "Quit India Movement" and was jailed along with Jawaharlal Nehru.  But the Indian history did little mention about this Muslim hero. 

    Maulana Mazharul Haque:

    Maulana Mazharul Haque: Educationist & Freedom Fighter.
    Born in Bihar, this Muslim freedom fighter donated every bit of his property for education before he died. He actively participated in the Non-Cooperation movement and Khilafat Movement. He was too the part of Champaran Satyagraha. There are several institutions in Bihar named after him. 

    Dr Saifuddin Kitchlew:

    Muslim hero of India
    Muslim Hero Of Indian War For Independence.
    Strongly opposed the separate Muslim league's two-nation theory, Saifuddin Kitchlew is mostly honoured for the protest against the implementation of Rowlatt Act which led him to jail with Gandhiji. A protest was organised against their arrest in Jallianwala Bagh which led to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. 

    Maghfoor Ahmad Ajazi:

    Ahmad Ajazi's Contributions in Indian Freedom Struggle.
    This Muslim freedom fighter from Bihar joined the non-cooperation movement in 1921. Maghfoor Ahmad Ajazi strongly opposed the Jinnah's two-nation theory and the creation of a separate state for Muslims. 

    Abid Hassan:

    Independent India's First Postal Stamp.
    Abid Hassan, the man who coined the famous slogan cum salutation "Jai Hind" which is mostly used to instill the sense of patriotism and was frequently used by Shubash Chandra Bose of Indian National Army. 

    Yusuf Meher Ali:

    Yusuf Meher Ali coined the slogans "Simon Go Back" & "Quit India".
    Yusuf Meher Ali Yusuf was the Muslim freedom fighter about whom probably you know nothing but the slogans he gave haunted a lot to the Britishers. The slogans "Simon Go Back" and "Quit India" were coined by none other than Yusuf Meher Ali. 

    Others in the list of Muslim freedom fighters of India who struggled for Indian independence include: 
    • Ashfaqullah Khan
    • Peer Ali Khan
    • Bakht Khan
    • Allah Bux Sumro
    • Professor Abdul Bari
    • Alauddin Hyder,
    • Turrebaz Khan
    • Mahmud ul-Hassan
    • Abbas Ali
    • Moulvi Muhammad Baqir
    • Vakkom Majeed
    • Muzaffar Ahmad
    • Mohammad Abdur Rahman
    • Mohammad Ali & Shaukat Ali.
    These were the heroes who actively involved in the Indian war for Independence after the revolt of 1857. We have another post detailing the Revolt of 1857 and the Muslims who played a heroic role in that uprising (Role Of Muslims Of In the Revolt Of 1857) To claim the fact about the role of Muslims in the revolt of 1857, I am going to quote the statement of the British Army General, Tomson from his memoir: 
    If to fight for one�s country, plan and mastermind wars against occupying mighty powers are patriotism, then undoubtedly maulvis (read Ulama hanged by the British rulers) were the loyal patriots to their country and their succeeding generations will remember them as heroes." (Rebellion Clerics:P-49)
    This statement should be an eye-opener for those who can't see the maligned motive of the so-called Historians who even didn't mention a word about them. Certainly, the above list makes the only fraction of the total Muslim freedom fighters of India who fought the world's longest freedom struggle.  
    This independence day, let's tribute all those unsung heroes who fought for this country, who struggled for us and who sacrificed their lives for our freedom, kicking out the motives of those forces who are almost successful in erasing the Muslim heroes of this great land except the above also for which I had to dip hard to collect information about them

    Let us know in the comment box if you know any Muslim freedom fighters of India those are not in the above list.

    ??List of Muslim freedom fighters and their contributions (PDF)-


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