Battle Of Badr, Facts and Lessons

Lessons & Facts From The Battle Of Badr:

Battle Of Badr is one of the important battle in the Islamic history from various perspectives. 
? Highlights:
  • Short summary on Battle of Badr.
  • Facts about Battle of Badr.
  • 5 lessons from the Battle of Badr.
    This battle was fought on 17th Ramadan, 2 AH according to Islamic calendar (13th Of March, 624 CE). There was a divine intervention in the Battle of Badr in the form of angels to assist the Muslims' army against the well-equipped opponents.
    The Battle Of Badr Facts
    Facts About Battle Of Badr

    Facts About Battle Of Badr:

    On Muslims side stood a small group of 313 men against a thousand warriors well armed and equipped. This battle was fought in the field of Badr, 60 miles from Medinah towards Makkah. 
    Battle Of Badr Summary
    Battle Of Badr Summary

    Army Comparison In Battle Of Badr: Muslim army with only 6 coats of armour, 8 swords, 2 horses and 70 camels against 600 armoured soldiers (all with weapons), 300 horses and 700 camels. 
    Losses in Battle Of Badr:
    Muslims loss 14 martyrs while there was as much as 70 dead in the non-Muslim side and 70 held as a captive by the Muslim army.
     Hence, it was the strength of their faith in Allah and His messenger, Prophet Muhammad SAW which brought about the miracles taking them to the victorious point in the Battle!

    Five Great Lessons From The Battle Of Badr:

    Battle Of Badr Facts
    5 Lessons From Battle Of Badr
    1Numbers don't mean anything.
     In the battle, an Army of only 313 men defeated an army of 1000 well-equipped an heavily armed soldiers. 
    As Allah states: 
    How often a small force has overcome a large force by the permission of Allah. 
    Battle Of Badr story
    Lessons From Battle Of Badr: Credit-OnepathNetwork

    2. Victory is only from Allah.
    After winning the Battle, Allah reminded the believers that it was only through His will, they were able to achieve victory. 
    Battle Of Badr Facts
    Lessons From The Battle Of Badr: Credit-Onepath Network

    3. Never undermine your prayers.
    Prior to the Battle, the Prophet supplicated:
    Oh Lord, if we are defeated, You will no longer be worshipped on Earth.
    Not only was his prayer answers, but the victory ensured the survival of Islam until our present day.
    Battle Of Badr Supplication
    Prophet Muhammad's Supplication In Battle Of Badr: Credit-OnepathNetwork

    4. The power of Allah is endless.
    Allah sent down thousands of angle in succession to assist the Muslim army and ensure their victory in this Battle. Allah also transformed a handful dust in the Prophet's hand into a giant dust storm to disperse the enemy. 
    Battle Of Badr Facts
    Allah Sent Down Thousands Of Angels In Battle Of Badr: Credit-OnepathNetwork

    5. Strength is through unity.
    A major reason for the success of the Muslims in this Battle was due to their ability to stand firm, steadfast and united. While the Quraish proved disjointed and frail, hence they were easily dispersed after being misled by Satan.

    Work to Bring The Ummah Under One Umbrella. 
    Know how to do it here: How To Promote Unity Among Muslims?

    Source: OnePath Network.


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