Muslims Are Terrorists? Islam and Terrorism

Are Muslims Terrorists? Is it right to link Islam with terrorism? Does Islam promote terrorism? If Muslims aren't terrorists, then who are? Let's find out the possible answers of these questions based on the available facts!
Islam and Muslims are always blamed for terrorism all over the world. And the terms like Extremists, Terrorists, Fundamentalists, etc. are most preferably coined with Muslims.
In more than 60 percent of cases, the words violent, death, attack, kill, suicide or gunmen were use in close proximity to the words Arab, Palestinian, Muslim or Islam.
[Data: From the coverage of 2 major newspapers].

 But the truth is not what we are said and what we see.

"Watch The Video To Find Out The Facts"

[Video Information: Muslims Are Terrorists? Islam and Terrorism. Uploaded on EduIslam tv: Subscribe it here]

If we observe the activities carried out by different terrorist groups as observed by researchers, it is clear that the most victimized group by terrorism are Muslims.

The researchers also do not deny this fact. Muslims all over the world suffer terrorism carried out by different religious groups.
It is worth mentioning the statement of Turkish president Recep Tayyib Erdogan here:
Today the "terror" designation has become a tool of exploitation that is employed to legitimize all the massacres, oppressions and cruelties against Muslims.
Recep Tayyib Erdogan, statement made after the State sponsored Genocide of Rohingya Muslims in Burma, supported by Buddhist Terrorists.

Credit for linking Islam with Terrorism mainly goes to Media besides anti-Islamist lobbies.
Many confuse Terrorism with Jihad, that is mentioned in the Quran but Let me tell you Jihad is no way related to terrorism. To know about Jihad more and how it is not related to terrorism, read our article on it here: The Birth Of Terrorism.

Muslims Are Terrorists? Islam and Terrorism
Muslims Are Terrorists?

  • Muslims absolutely the group most victimized by global terrorism, researchers observe. (abc News)
  • Al Qaida kills 8 times more Muslims than Non-Muslims. (Spiegel Online)
Even If You Don't Understand Then Sorry You Are Intellectually Criminal!

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