Quran Challenges To Produce A Chapter Like It Contains

Quran Challenges To Produce A Chapter (Surah) Like It Has:

There are many things in the Quran which it challenges for, to the reader if he doesn't consider the Quran, the words of one true God. It says to accept the challenges and prove the Qur'an wrong, then don't believe the Quran, revealed from one True God or, if you can't, then believe in the Quran what it says.
Throughout the Quran, it poses many challenges to the reader but here we are going to discuss about the challenge of producing a Surah (Chapter) like it contains.
Quran Challenges To Produce A Chapter (Surah) Like It Contains
(Pic: Quran Challenges To Produce A Chapter (Surah) Like It Contains.

The Quran challenges this in its poetic style as:

And if ye are in doubt As to what We have revealed From time to time to Our Servant, then produce a Soorah Like thereunto; And call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, If your (doubts) are true. But if ye cannot �And of a surety you cannot. hen fear the Fire Whose fuel is Men and Stones -Which is prepared for those Who reject Faith.�  (Quran, Chapter No.:-02, Verse No.:- 23-24)
The above same style is followed throughout the Quran. The challenge of the Quran here is to produce a chapter (Surah) like what it contains. 


However, to this day, the challenge remains unaccepted and no one has produced a chapter (Surah), which in beauty, eloquence, depth and meaning is at least somewhat similar to a Surah that Qur'an contains. To all those non-believers, critics and Islamophobics, you have the golden opportunity to get into your goal. Just accept the challenge, prove it wrong, produce a chapter like the Quran contains and have your dream comes true. Muslims are ready to bow before if you are going to do this.

The challenges of the Quran remains unaccepted!

But to this day, none picked up any of the many challenges posed by the Quran yet not many would accept
the extraordinarily beautiful language of the Quran, as proof of its Divine Origin. Nah, Quran is not saying you to accept it as a true word of only on this basis. From its scientific miracles to poetic style, this is one of the many arguments, The Quran put before the non-believers. Go through all of those and prove it wrong or (for intellectually honest one) submit yourself to the will of One True God! 

Pic: Quran Challenges To Produce A Chapter
Quran challenges to produce a surah
Challenge Of The Quran To Produce A Surah.

Check It: The Scientific Miracles Of The Quran, Islam and Science.

Tags: Show me a verse like it Quran, Produce a chapter like the Quran, Quran challenge questions, Quran challenge, Quran 2:23, Quran challenge game, Quran 17:88 .


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