Lauren Booth's Journey To Islam

Lauren Booth's Journey To Islam:

Lauren Booth is an English journalist, broadcaster and activist. Born in a Christian family, Lauren Booth later reverted to Islam in 2010.

Why and how Lauren Booth accepted Islam? Listen her story below!

She is the sister-in-law of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Lauren Booth is the 6th daughter of actor Tony Booth.

According to her twitter handle, she describes herself as:
Journalist, Broadcaster, Media Consultant. Previous work includes: Al Jazeera, New Statement and British Muslim TV. 
Twitter Bio Of Lauren Booth.

Lauren Booth During A Speech In Canada.

Lauren Booth's Journey To Islam
Lauren Booth with her daughters.

Lauren Booth's Message For Muslims Regarding Burma Genocide.

Lauren Booth has given given hundreds of Lectures sharing her Journey To Islam.

In the video:
Who is Lauren Booth?
Who was Lauren Booth?
How Lauren Booth accepted to Islam?
What made Lauren Booth to accept Islam?
Lauren Booth's journey to Islam.
Lauren Booth: My Journey To Islam.
Lauren Booth speech on Islam.
Why Lauren Booth accepted Islam?
Lauren Booth Lectures.
Lauren Booth views about Palestinian people.
Lauren Booth about Muslims before she accepted Islam.
Lauren Booth interesting story.
Lauren Booth interesting Journey To Islam.

File: Lauren Booth's Journey To Islam


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