Open Letter To Shaista Ambar, President Of All India Muslim Women's Personal Law Board

Shaista Ambar is the President of All India Muslim Women's Personal Law Board.  

Shaista Ambar
Letter To Shaista Ambar.

Letter To Shaista Ambar

Dear Sister (Shaista Ambar),

I share the same views as you have regarding particular issues. 
We cannot neglect that there are some backdrops in every community so in the Muslim community too(but cannot be anyway in Islam as it is perfect).
And it is the duty of intellects of the community to figure it out and solve it in the honest way.
For me the honest way is to solve it as an internal affair and must not be used these as an opportunity to make inroad for excelling in own's interests breaking basic principles as it gives anti-Islamists forces free hand for using these backdrops as an opportunity to defame Islam and whole Muslim community. We mustn't forget that only few individuals cannot represent the Muslim community and in particular Islam. I don't think I have to remind this about those, whom you are seeking help, are not there to help but to use you for their own vested anti-Islamists interests.  I am totally agree with you that every Muslims aren't inline with perfect Islamic guidelines but highlighting those in media for being highlighted is supporting those forces who are working their best to misguide the world against Islam and its core values just same as the terrorists do who use Islam in the same way.
Seeking help from those fascists who think of creating line between Indians and consider Muslims as a whole including me and you as their enemy, is like shouldering them against us and  our country.  
Sister Shaista, you are better educated than me and you knows well that what we Muslims are suffering, particularly from within us and how anti-Islamists are successfully applying the 'divide and rule policy' on us.
Sorry to say that coincidentally, I found many of your views overlapping with those of hardcore leaders who regularly spit venom against Muslim community threatening the integrity of our country.
Honestly, I am declaring here that I may not be perfect a Muslim but surely I am struggling harder to present myself, my relatives , friends as practising Muslims so, I cannot accept anyone from us pointing on me for his/her own interests.

I have gone through your blog and found many of your work and statement appreciable so I request you to keep your nicest work regarding the upliftment of Muslim women continue in the way, which Islam allows and with the intention which you 'expressed'! 

Writing to you (Shaista Amber) because you hold a responsible post in our country and your voice are being  heard by many.

(Your's Brother)

Work By Shaista Ambar For The Upliftment Of Muslim Women:

Let me show you some of the appreciable work done by Sister Shaista Amber.
Shaista Amber is the founder and the president of the All India Muslim Women's Personal Law Board and working to empower Muslim women. She also made the first ever kind of mosque for women in his city which helps to educate girls and provide free medicine.

Controversial Remarks By Sister Shaista Ambar

Shaista Ambar demands All India Muslim Personal Law Board to be banned and she said,
We support the government for bringing the bill as it protects the right of Muslim women, who are treated as slaves by men" (Shaista Ambar's Statement in Hindustan Times)
 She also wants Muslim Marriage Law inline with Hindu Marriage Act. (reference- Indian Express)

Shaista Ambar also shared stage with RSS chief in Lucknow and said,
He(RSS chief) was very gracious and in his address he spoke of nation building and character development." (Source:

Delegation led by Shaista Ambar
Shaista Ambar
File photo. Credit: AIMWPLB Website.
Shaista Ambar held the passing of Triple Talaq Bill criminalising Muslim husbands 'historic':
On this historical day, I thank Allah and the government, the Supreme Court, the Law Commission of India and all the parliamentarians who took necessary measures for Muslim women" (Shaista Ambar, Statement in The New Indian Express)
After analysing the Triple Talaq Bill, I found it many way favouring anti-Muslim goons more than Muslim women. How can anyone be punished for the thing which is void and null? It is directly giving miscreants against Muslims a way to smile.
According to the Bill, instant triple Talaq is Cognizable offence means the police can arrest you without warrant if anyone complains about you even if you have not done anything.
After putting the Muslim husband behind the bar, his innocence will be proved in the court.
How can this law be helpful to Muslim women, Shaista Ambar?

The government itself proved its intention in the Bill that it targets Muslim community.
Shaista Ambar
Remember this Shaista Ambar

Read also:  Triple Talaq Bill Explained

Note: This is the personal opinion of the author in the form of letter to Shaista Ambar and via her to all those people of our community who are working on the similar field. This is not anyway defaming or degrading. The author salutes the noble works done for the betterment of the society by her.

You can present your own views regarding my opinion about Shaista Ambar below in the comment box. 

(Letter from @mohdTalatAziz)

File: Open Letter to Shaista Ambar, President of All India Muslim Women's Personal law Board.


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