Who Are Rohingya Muslims? Warned 56 Years Ago About Genocide By Maulana Abul Hasan Ali

Rohingya Muslims are the unfriendliest and the most persecuted people on the earth. Lived in the remote state of Myanmar, Rakhine for centuries, they are the victims of state-sponsored Buddhist Terrorism recently facing inhuman Genocide carried out by the Burmese military.
Who are Rohingya Muslims? Myanmar Genocide.
? Highlights:
  • Who are Rohingya Muslims? (Briefly Described)
  • What is Burma Genocide-2017? Also referred as Rohingya Crisis.
  • Why Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi Warned Rohingyas in 1961?

Who are Rohingya Muslims?

Understand Rohingya Muslims in few words. Tried to summarised into basics.
Striped Of Citizenship, Denied Basic Rights, Subjected To Persecution But When Rose Against These Declared As Terrorists!

Myanmar/Burma Genocide-2017:

Long, Rohingyas are subjected to persecution but the recent one is worst. Rohingyas Muslims are being slaughtered by Myanmar Military supported by anti-Muslims Buddhist monks backed by the Aung San Suu Kyi Govt. This led to the exodus of almost 4,00,000+ Rohingya Muslims from the Rakhine state of Myanmar. Most of them are taking shelter in Bangladesh.
Many disturbing photographs of the Genocide are flooding in the social media. We don't find it appropriate to share it here.
Rohingya Crisis, Burma Genocide, Myanmar ethnic cleansing,

Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi's Warning:


Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, an Indian Great Islamic Scholar and awardee of King Faisal International  Prize was taking at the Conference held in Rangoon, Myanmar about 56 years ago in 1961 when he was repeatedly seen to warn Muslims in Myanmar for the days to come. Maulana Abul Hasan Sb was given the key to the Kaabah to allow him to enter whenever he chose during his pilgrimage to Mecca.

The Present below words are not accurately inline with the speech of Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Sb. We have tried to obtain the basic theme from his speech.

Here is what he said:

"Dear Friends, This Life Is Mortal, All things in this world are Mortal... Listen, King, Rich, Poor, all the people, all the things will vanish except Allah.

The Present situation is good and If you are going to take out time for practising and preaching Islam, then Allah will bless you with this country now and you will be benefited also in the life hereafter. And If you are not going to do this, remember you can't live in this country in the coming time.

I am warning not this as a politician but on that light which Allah has given to all Muslims to feel the coming evils.
And if you will not do this, you will get vanished, you can't live in this country if you are not going to be a true Muslims.
And When that time will come then neither your shops, factor, houses nor you will remain safe. Remember, to live safely in any country, Muslims should struggle to be a true Muslims and hold the rope of Allah.
Make your faith too strong that Allah himself would protect from the evils otherwise, you are going to be tortured.
In this country Burma, where I am, current situation strongly demands from you to struggle to walk on the right path and preach it to others.
To hold the rope of Allah now, will be the intellectually good decision this time otherwise you will be late.

Determined to be in the true path that Islam says and take it to others then nothing can deter you to live safely in this country.
And if in future, Burma will anyway become a Buddhist country, you will regret this chance that time
And you will be slaughtered then no will come to help you, the world will witness my brother and sister!
And the time demands strongly from you!
If you have at least some Intellect, you are not going to miss this chance.
Keeping your eyes open and with your least understanding sense, you can't live in this country without Islam in your Life.
Every Muslims of this country must be a true Muslims and must follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad otherwise you are not safe in this country.

And if you will be, then nothing not even the vicious wave can shake you from here.
Do more and more propagate Islam and its principles everywhere in this country.
Tell everyone that accepting other cultures except Islamic will lead you to difficulties.


Remaining as what you are is like having poison.
Remember if you are going to neglect it what I am saying, you will face dire consequences.
I am not a fortune teller but being intellectually honest I am saying this to you. Just like everyone even a child can say that it's going to rain after seeing the cloud.
I can see this in the present and you can also observe it if you will open your eyes."

Why such an intellectual Scholar like Maulana Abul Hasan Ali repeatedly Warned the Muslims in Myanmar?
Find out what was happening in 1961 in Myanmar!
Compare that to with present situation of Indian Muslims. Is this the warning for Indian Muslims too?

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Aung San Suu Kyi: The Lady who made fun of Nobel peace prize and silently supported Buddhist Terrorism.
Rohingya Crisis, Burma Genocide, Myanmar ethnic cleansing,

Shocking: An Indian Constitutional post holder, Mr Tathagat Roy (an RSS hardcore member) rejoices the slaughtering of Muslims.
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