Role Of Muslims In Indian Independence

Heroic Role Of Muslims In Indian War Of Independence:

Despite playing the Heroic role, Muslims in India did not find a place in Indian History. The role of Muslims is deleted from History. This page highlights the erased portion of Indian History on the episode of Independence's war.

Role Of Muslims In Indian War of Independence, Muslims in Revolt of 1857, Indian Muslims
Pic: Role of Muslims In Freedom Struggle.

? Highlights:
  • A brief account of the first war of Indian Independence.
  • The uprising of the Revolution of 1857.
  • What Makes Muslims To Wage War Against Britishers?
  • Shah Waliullah and his mission.
  • Martyrdom of Tipu Sultan. 
  • The first edict against the British rule in India.
  • Syed Ahmad Shaheed.
  • The historic revolt of 1857.
  • Birth of Darul Uloom Deoband.
  • Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan.
  • India is still paying the Divide and Rule Policy of British.

    A brief account of the first war of Indian Independence:

    The First United War of India's Independence or the Indian Rebellion of 1857, as in the British records, also known as the Sepoy Rebellion, the Indian Mutiny, and the Sepoy Mutiny was a prolonged period of armed uprisings in different parts of India against British occupation. Small precursors of brewing discontent, as was the plan, involving incidences of arson in cantonment areas began to manifest themselves in January 1857. Later, a large-scale rebellion broke out in May that year and turned into what must be called a full-fledged war of independence in the country. This war brought about the end of the British East India Company's rule in India and led to fidgety direct rule by the British government (British Raj) of much of the Indian subcontinent for the next 90 years.


    ? The Uprising of the Revolution of 1857.

    In Thana Bhawan, a place under present Muzaffar Nagar district of UP, Ulama gathered under the leadership of Haji Imdadullah Muhajire Makki. And in May 1857 the famous Battle of Shamli took place between the forces of Haji Imdadullah and the British army which ultimately drew an end with complete freedom from British tyrannical clutches after 90 years in August 1947. This May of year 2007 is making 150 years of those untold stories of the heroes of India's war of freedom. Many of them like Mangal Pandey and Lakshmi Bai, the Queen of Jhansi, though found tributes in the pages of modern Indian history yet the real Braves, the torchbearers; the Ulama have been deliberately buried under bigoted attitude of government aided pages of history and await a real recounting from the sons of the soil to whose destiny they bestowed even the last sigh of their lives. 
    Role of Muslims in indian Independence
    Pic: Muslims' Role In Indian Independence.

    What Makes Muslims To Wage War Against Britishers?

    Islam teaches not to subjugate the free will of the people and it exhorts its followers not to submit to oppressive and evil forces. And it was this teaching of Islam that inspired Ulama of India to wage relentless war against the Company rule just after defeating of Sirajud Dawla at Palasi in 1757. However, there are so-called intellectuals who won�t only ignore Ulama�s contributions to India's independence, but intentionally malign Muslim scholars and their educational institutions branding them anti national. The following statements of a British Army general, Tomson should be an eye opener for those who couldn�t see the selfishness motive of some so-called writers. The British army general, who fought against Muslims in the uprising of 1857, wrote in his memoir: (Rebellion Clerics:P-49): �If to fight for one�s country, plan and mastermind wars against occupying mighty powers are patriotism, then undoubtedly maulvis (read Ulama hanged by the British rulers) were the loyal patriots to their country and their succeeding generations will remember them as heroes.� But here these maulvis, unfortunately, happened to be otherwise-- let alone remembering them as heroes, their succeeding generations are even questioning their spirit of patriotism.


    Shah Waliullah and His Mission:

    Shah Waliullah Dehlavi (1703-1762) led a revolution to change the whole system by drawing attention of the people towards degradation of European imperialism and rampant corruption among oriental rulers. During his pilgrimage to Makkah in 1731, Shah Waliullah was inspired by a vision to replace the imperialist and corrupt administration by establishing a government based on principles of equality and justice. 
    India during and after muslim rule, indian muslims
    (Designed at EduIslam)
    Shah Waliullah had seen the decline of Mughal rule in India and observed similar degeneration in other countries of Asia and Africa. The last revered and powerful ruler of Mughal dynasty Aurangzeb had already passed away (1707) and East India Company had assumed power to rule a part of Eastern India, defeating Sirajud Dawla at Palasi in 1757. Ultimately Shah Waliullah came to the conclusion that monarchist and imperialist tendencies were the main cause for worsening state affairs. He formulated certain principles, necessary for the revival of human values. In his book �Hujjatullahil Baligha� he laid down those principles i.e. "labour is the real source of wealth� and "only those who put in the physical and mental labour for the sake of betterment of the society, deserve to possess wealth.� People, he believed, are equal and the position of the ruler of a State is no more than that of a common citizen in matter of justice and freedom. Things like right to freedom, security and property is essential for all, irrespective of religion, race or colour. 
    It is to be noted that he propagated these ideas long before the French, American or Soviet revolutions took place. It is a pity that even today these noble ideas lie buried under the trash of imperialist history that was mainly written to tarnish the image of Muslims and Ulama inIndia. It could be termed as nothing but the tragedy of this nation that a stalwart like Shah Waliullah Dehlavi is deprived of a place in the modern history syllabus of schools and colleges.

    Note: We have divided this story into 3 parts. So, What you have read above, is the first episode of the untold history. Now read the second and third episode below by clicking on the button. These remaining episodes are shorter than the first episode.
    Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3

    Let's have a real recounting of our strength in India-- the unity in diversity-- and make meaningful salutations to all our heroes alike. May 1857 was a month for rebellion against tyrants and in this Independence Day, after 160+ years, should bring real smiles to all the brave souls who gifted us the 'FREEDOM'.
    Share This Story With Others & Let's Pay Tribute To All The Unsung Heroes Of Freedom Struggle.

    Tags: Role of Muslims in Indian Freedom Struggle, Role Of Muslims in revolt of 1857, Muslims role in Indian War of Independence, Muslim Freedom Fighters, Role Of Muslims in Indian Independence, Role of Muslims in Indian Freedom War.


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