Islam After 9/11

Islam After 9/11:

A Look On Islam and Muslims Just After 9/11 and How the people against Islam framed it as an opportunity to attack  Islam and Muslims.
Topic Discussed:
  • What happened after 9/11?
  • What is 9/11?
  • Did Muslim responsible for 9/11 or it was an inside job?
  • Did Islam Spread slowly after 9/11 as compared to before it?
    Islam after 9/11, Islam and Muslim

What Happened After 9/11?

After The 9/11 incident, when the whole world was in shock, the enemies of Islam used it as a golden opportunity to defame Islam and Muslims with their maligned propaganda. From coining a new term like Islamic Terrorism to Owing barbaric, inhuman attacks to Islam, the blame game continues after 9/11. What made them do that is Islam uniqueness in its form that was winning million of hearts and till now, it going on. Accelerating up the media world after 9/11 against Islam, they bombarded many fallacies against Islam which Islam clearly denounce. Even though, the religion of peace (Islam) is on the rise for its beautiful message which is clear and logical.

What Is 9/11?

9/11 attack (also referred to as September 11 attack) was four coordinated attacks by Terrorists on the World Trade Center of United States Of America on the Tuesday morning of Sept. in 2001. 2,996 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks and over 6,000 were injured that led to the destruction of at least $10.

Who Is Responsible?

The Blamed of 9/11 was put on Muslims but many believed that it was an Inside job to invade the oil rich countries. For More detailed about it, See here: 9/11 Was An Inside Job, Planned By George Bush.

Did Islam Spread slowly after 9/11 as compared to before it?

There is a maligned propaganda against Islam. On the media, we find that they spread misconceptions against Islam but the more they are doing that, the more Islam is benefited. But After 9/11, they (media) just reached epidemic level right against Islam bombarding misconception against it. But what Allah says, we believe in:

And the disbelievers planned, but Allah planned. And Allah is the best of planners. ( Surah - Ale Imrani - 3:54 )

Do you know after 9/11, the spread of Islam has increased?
Islam after 911, people accepted Islam after 9-11

Only in a span of ten months after 9/11, more than 34,000 Americans accepted Islam in the USA. In Europe alone, more than 22,000 accepted Islam in ten months time after 9/11 and there are more Europeans, Americans, come before any Islamic talk after 9/11 because it gives them a chance to know the true spirit of Islam. Some come to learn, some come to attack, we welcome both of them!

Also Read: Does Islam Permit Terrorism In The Name Of Jihad?

Recommend Video: 9/11 Was An Inside Job, Proved!

Tags: 9/11 information, What happened on 9/11,  9/11 video, 9/11 facts, Why did 9/11 happen, 9/11 pentagon, 9/11 timeline, 9/11 year, 9/11 Was An Inside Job, 9/11 Youtube.


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