Oneness Of Humanity In Islam

Islam Teaches Oneness Of Humanity

There is no religion except Islam which preaches Oneness of the whole of humanity. Also, the concept of Humanity was first defined by Islam. There are many verses in the Holy Quran which strongly emphasizes oneness of mankind. These define uniqueness of Islam. 
Oneness In Humanity, Islam Teachings, Humanity, Islam Uniqueness, Islam and Humanity
Oneness In Humanity

 The Quran which Muslims believe to be the words of God,  commands that mankind is one and sprung from a single source:

"O mankind! Fear your guardian Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, his mate, and from the pair scattered (like seeds) countless men and women"           (Chapter: Al-Nisha, Verse: 01) 
What about the differences among us? Allah, The Creator says the differences among humans are indeed among His 'Signs'. The verse is as follows:
"And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the  variations in your languages and your colours: verily in yhat are signs for those who know"                 (Chapter: Al-Rome, Verse: 22)
Differences  among humans in physical appearnce and cultural traits are among the Signs of God. They are not be sported, but to be taken as Greatness of the One True Creator. Differences in  people adds beauty to the World. Such Differences or Diversity should not be exploited but to be respected, be cause to love.
Oneness In Humanity, Islam Teachings, Humanity, Islam Uniqueness, Islam and Humanity
Oneness Of Humanity
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