Symmetry Of Surah Baqarah

Surah Al-Baqarah is Amazing in many ways. One of is its symmetry.

Symmetry Of Surah Baqarah
The first and the last subject is related and connected in a beautiful way The first subject deals with believers contrasted with disbelievers and in middle of both are the hypocrates.In the last subject we make dua to preserve our Imaan and not fall into forgetfullness and make mistakes bcoz people who indulge in these fall into hypocrisy. Long enough will fall into nifaaq,and the ayah ends with disbelievers. Second subject deals with Adam alihiyis salaam, reason for taking out of jannah is greed. And the 2nd last subject is the longest ayat for spending in the path of Allah . Best thing u can do with your money is spending in path of Allah and the worst thing u can do is that deal in interest and acceptable thing u can do is that u can do business and loan agreements so these are the regulation for the greed. Why did people take intrest?for greed. Why did people cheat in business? Greed. Why dont people spend in the path of Allah? Greed.
The third subject is the Israelites i.e banu israel and it deals with laws given to them and how they broke. And the 3rd last subject is the laws given to the muslims. Amazingly a symmetry has been made.The 4th subject is the trails of Ibrahim alihys salaam. How he was tested by Allah swt. And in the fourth last subject Allah says HE is going to test u with fear and hunger as he test Ibrahim alhyis salaam. Its really intresting he made dua for our being safe and for our sustenance.Orientalist comment that Quran is not organized. Huh ;>And smack at the the middle of the surah Allah mentions of the change of the Qiblah which is in the middle of all nations.Kabaah was built by Ibrahim alyhis salaam. He is in the middle of both of the nation ,the Israelites(bani Israel ) and the Muslims (banu Ismaael). This house built is mentioned just in the middle "ummatan wasata". We are called the middle nation in Aayah no. 143 which is half of the 286 aayaat in suratu Ala baqarah.

Points To Ponder!

Amazing! Who does that? Moreever intrestingly the longest Aayah aayatul qursi in and of itself has the has the symmetry. And on top of it this most intrestingly, the entire surah was not revealed in one time. Part of it is revealed when prophet was in Makkah and part of it was in Madinah. There was no ms office no software for cut paste, no software that this ayah should be here this should be there. Truly Allah has said for these orientalist seeing they see not, hearing they hear not, these are deaf dumb and blind wil not return to the straight path!


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