Muslim Women Of Independent India

Being Muslim women of Free India, What does 'right to be free and modern' means to them. Islam allows a woman to be all what she needs to lead a beautiful and successful life. But more than this in the name of "self independence and modernity", is vulgarity which Islam disallows! Listen to the voice of Fatima".

Women In Islam Have The Rights To Be Free And Modern

Fatima: Coming to the question of about what as a women we need to be in a free India? I suppose, we as women have to be a lot more 'giving in order to receive more. We need to be educated and ensure that  that we are not ignored and do not  remain ignorant. We must be professional but not be commercial. We should be modern, chic, and stylish but  not pretentious or heard-hearted, we should be allowed to follow tradition but not become superstitious or orthodox.We must be brave and on the edge yet dutifully cultured enough. We must not shy away from appearing feminine but must avoiding appearing provocative. We should be allowed to be liberal, to make choices respectful enough of holding our own dignity and integrity . Not measuring but valuing relationships. Recognising and revering interdependence over self-independence right to move on or quit a relationship but holding the strength to take it to newer heights.

Islam allows Women to be all this and more.. Time to spread this message to all.

"And for women are rights over men, similar to those of men over women.� (Quran: 2:228)

(Obtained from Eng. Question Paper of AMU, +2 , by Md Talat Aziz ; Edited Version) 

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