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I asked him, "Are u a Muslim?"
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He smiled and replied, "No, I am a Jewish Rabbi from Jordan and currently pursuing a PHD on Islam in Paris."
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"On which aspect of Islam are you pursuing a PHD?" I asked.
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He was shy at my question and after a little thought he spoke, "I am researching about the orthodox nature of the Muslims." (Staunch nature of the Muslims)
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I laughed aloud and asked, "How far have you got with your research?"
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He took a rather long sip of his coffee, then said, "I have completed my research and am now compiling a paper on my findings."
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I then asked, "What have your findings been?"
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He took a deep breath, looked to the right and left, shook his head, then spoke in a low voice, "After five years of research I have come to the conclusion that Muslims have a greater love for their Nabi (SAW) than their religion of Islam.
They may bear any sort of attack or provocation against Islam, but will not tolerate even a finger being lifted against their Nabi (SAW)
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This answer was a shock to me. I placed my coffee mug on the table and sat up straight.
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He continued, " According to my research, whenever Muslims fought battles, stood up against opposition or attacked, it was for the sake of defending their Nabi (SAW).
If you capture their Masaajid, destroy their governments, place restrictions on the publication of the Quraan, or murder their entire household, they will bear such difficulties. However, the moment you abuse the name of their Nabi (SAW) they will arise with fury and challenge you regardless of how brave you are or even if you are as ruthless as Fir'aun (Ferrow).
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I kept staring at him in astonishment and he continued saying, "According to my research, the day Muslims no longer have love for their Nabi (SAW), that will be the end of Islam.
Thus if you wish to destroy Islam, you will need to remove the love of their Nabi (SAW) from the hearts of the Muslims."
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Having said this, he placed his coffee mug down, placed  his satchel over his shoulder, greeted me and departed.
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However, since that day I have sitting in a daze. I consider this Jewish Rabbi to be my benefactor because prior to my meeting him I was just an ordinary Muslim. However he explained the whole meaning of Islam in two sentences.
I have understood that the love for Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wa Sallam, in essence, is the soul of Islam. As long as the soul is there, Islam will exist.


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