
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Noble work of Tabligh and Ml Saad Category:  Miscellaneous Fatwa#:  37487 Asked Country:  South Africa Answered Date:  Jan 01,2017 Title:  The Noble work of Tabligh and Ml Saad Question As individuals who are associated with the effort of Tabligh, we wanted your opinion regarding Nizamud Din. Considering the revelations regarding the beliefs of Moulana Sa'd, we feel that it is advisable for the council of elders of Tabligh Jama'at in South Africa to divert the Jama'ats towards Rawiwind instead of Nizamud Din. What is your opinion regarding this? Also, what is your opinion regarding the one who opposes this motion? Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salamu   �alaykumwa-rahmatullahiwa-barakatuh. At the outset, we wish to note the following observations. We have been inundated with queries regarding the issue in reference. Alhamdulillah, our revered Muft?s of Deoband, Saharanpur, Dabhel, Nadwatul �Ulama and others have adequ