
Showing posts from March, 2016

Truth About Taqleed in Islam:Following Madhab Imam

REFER FOR DETAIL The Truth about Taqleed CONTENTS : 1. Introduction 2. Types of Taqleed 3. A Common Misconception 4. In what matters is Taqleed made? 5. Clarifying a false assumption: �Taqleed is not in the Qur�an� 6. Taqleed in the Hadith 7. Absolute Taqleed & Taqleed Shakhsi during times of Sahabah ??? ???? ???? & Tabi�een ???? ???? ????? 8. Why do Taqleed Shakhsi? 9. What Scholars have stated regarding Taqleed Shakhsi 10. Why Taqleed of one of Four Schools only? 11. The Imams did not have access to all Ahadith 12. �We follow the 100% correct rulings� / �How can all 4 be correct when truth is one?� 13. Those who say �No Taqleed�, in reality make Taqleed 14. Why cant Layman Judge Evidence? 15. What Madhhab Should I adhere to? 16. Conclusion 1. Introduction There is much confusion today about taqleed. This is because of the poor understanding of the meaning and concept of taqlee

Is Taqleed Compulsory Dichotomy of layman and Mujtahid islamqa

The Statements Of The Mujtahid Salafus Salehin Imams Regarding Taqleed Statement is true but who are addressee?? 1.Contentions that the Imams themselves have prohibited the following of their opinions until they have discovered the proofs and that if their opinions conflict with any Hadith, they should smite their opinions against the wall and practice the Hadith, are of course true.  2.However, to do justice to such statements, one would have to conclude that they are not addressed to people who do not possess the faculty of Ijtihad. Rather, they were appealing to those scholars who were capable of Ijtihad.  Shah Waliyyullah has summarised such statements thus: "These statements can be assessed against those who have some ability to exercise Ijtihad - albeit in one single issue; or against those who have conclusively determined that the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wa sallam ordered this and prohibited that [and the issue is not abrogated]. This may be achieved by researching the co