
Showing posts from February, 2016

Appreciating our Elders

Inspirational Advice Appreciating our Elders Imaam Ahmad bin Hambal (rahimahullah) mentions: �For the last 30 years, I have not slept without first supplicating and seeking forgiveness for Imaam Shaafi�ee (rahimahullah).� �Abdullah (rahimahullah), the son of Imaam Ahmad bin Hambal (rahimahullah) says: I asked my father, �What type of person was Imaam Shaafi�ee (rahimahullah), for I often hear you supplicating for him?� Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullah) replied, �O son! Imaam Shaafi�ee (rahimahullah) was like the sun to this world and like health to the people. Tell me, is there anything that can possibly replace the sun and health?� (Risaalatul Mustarshideen pg. 203) Lessons: 1. Showing respect and honour to the �Ulama and our seniors is an important part of our deen. Together with respecting and revering them, we should show appreciation and gratitude for the services and sacrifices they rendered for deen. One way of showing gratitude is to regularly make du�aa for them. 2. If we cannot show

Avoiding little children�s going out at the time of sunset

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