
Showing posts from March, 2015

Minimum Knowledge for Dawah ? Dawah at own place locality and outside

Response to an Opinion by a Brother (Recieved through mail) We should do Dawah at home and locality, once we feel that I have becomes 100% perfect then should move outside? Dear brother, Assalamualykum. I like to request your that first one has to study sunnah method of working for deen and then he  has to start it. It is clear from Muhammed  (SAW) that he worked for 10 consecutive years in and around Makkah  such that the huzzat is completed on and they boycotted muslims completely then He (SAW) migrated to madinah. so first let us work for deen in and around  city or village where one live till the goal is reached. If any one feels that he can work better other than his place of residence then he has to go there and work there till the either the goal of prophet is reached or it is difficult to stay there because of the reasons shown by Muhammed (SAW).In this we muslims today are doing mistakes because of which our efforts are not giving the result which Allah and his prophet set for

answers to salafis allegations on Tablighi Jamaat Aqeedah Tasawwuf Taqleed

Many people ask from us that what should be the response to following Questions and Allegation. First Set of Question By Some Salafi* Brothers (The misguided and ignorant Salafis, not by all salafis) who  do following Allegations on Tablighi Jamaat. 1. The founder of this Jamaa�ah was a grave worshipper.(Nauzubillah) 2. Tablighi Jamaat are Quboori the grave Worshipper (Nauzubillah) 3. Tablighi Jamaat teaches Shirk (Nauzubillah) Markaz Nizamuddin stand is very clear and well known for these allegation i.e to do Sabr and to pray for Hidayat of the these people. My response as blogger in my personal capacity.  1. Tell the allegation doer, "Is he/she ready to face consequences of allegation in Qiyamah.  It is not that he take it back but he should have to make istighfar,and seeking pardon from the slaves of Allah and may be recitation of Kalima again to be Muslim again. What they have said is indeed something extremely grave without knowledge.  Second Set of Question  By Some other

What are the basic Pillars of Islamic Aqeedah Arkan e Imaan

Six Articles of Islamic  Aqeedah  (Creed) There are six believes of Islamic Aqeedah, called as six article of faith (called  arkan al-iman ) and these are Six Articles of Islamic Aqeedah . 1.     Belief in Allah,   the one and only one worthy of all worship  ( Oneness of the Worship) , creator, sustainer etc and all powerful for everything  ( Oneness of the Lordship)  with all his good name and attributes.                                       ( Tawhid ) 2.     Belief in His angels                            ( Malaika ) 3.     Belief in His Divine Books sent on Prophets from time to time.                                                                                                ( Kutub ) 4.     Belief in His Messengers, which were sent to Mankind from time to time.                                           ( Rusul ) 5.     Belief in the Day of Judgment and in the Resurrection (life after death).                                                   ( Yawm al-qiyamah ) 6.     Belief  in